Al cruzar el alambre

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Ángel Villanueva Callejo fue un militar mecánico de aviación durante la Guerra Civil Española. Allí tuvo que tomar la decisión de exiliarse en Francia. Él narra, en forma de cuentos donde se mezcla lo gracioso con lo trágico, su experiencia en los campos de concentración franceses, luego, en París, ciudad tomada por los alemanes en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Por último, refleja la decisión de emigrar a Venezuela.

Sus hijos, representados por Esmeralda Villanueva Rico, decidieron ordenar y compartir los relatos que su padre les regaló, compilados en un libro, que permite que el lector se pasee por esas experiencias, todas ellas vividas detrás del gran drama de la guerra, pero a su vez, de la oportunidad que trajo para él cruzar el alambrado de púas para llegar a suelo francés.

Este libro pretende honrar, y dar a conocer a las nuevas generaciones y descendientes de exiliados españoles, estas vivencias de posguerra desde la resiliencia, y muchas veces, desde la jocosidad que tenía Ángel al escribirlas. Son símbolo de fortaleza para que, quién las lea, comprenda su propia historia.

I felt utterly inspired by her outfit to edit it entirely in my style with a lot of pink and blue. Thanking her for her effort to meet with me this day, I left the premises after two hours of shooting.

My next stop was due to be the outskirts of the city. That was where I met up with the following model: Livia.

I felt inspired by this one, so I urged her to pick some flowers from nearby.

Making a beautiful bouquet, I then urged her to hold them in her hands and pose for the photos. She looked very lovely like that. Within a couple more pictures, I knew we had the perfect picture.

So after another hour taking photos, I ended the session and ran back to my car as the next location was to be near a lake. The drive was going to be pretty long and I had to get a move on.

Turning up the volume on the radio, I kept driving for another hour. It was going to be sunset soon, and I had to get there before that to capture the golden hour.

When I finally arrived on the scene, I insisted we move to the lake area so we could capture the beauty of the last rays of sunshine. As I instructed her to turn her back to the lake, she squinted into the sun and put her hand up to keep the rays from her eyes. It was then I took out my camera and took the first photo.

«Keep that pose. It’s perfect.»

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